11 tips on how to sell much more on Pinterest

Are you ready to follow in our footsteps and discover how to make more money with Pinterest? Prepared? So, let’s go!

1. Create your Pinterest account

The initial step to knowing how to sell on Pinterest is to make a record on the stage. Assuming that you as of now have a virtual one, you can utilize it, yet we suggest that you change it into a business account so your organization approaches exact information on how the brand is performing.

The option to choose themes and topics that relate to your type of product, for example, is one of the main advantages of choosing to create a Pinterest Business account. This option allows qualified leads to find you through people interested in items similar to yours, meaning that, right away, the account already has a boost to reach the target audience more easily. Very useful, right?

But, after creating the account, what are the next steps to use Pinterest to benefit your sales? Continue reading and let’s get to a golden tip!

2. Integrate your online store with Pinterest

If you are already in the world of virtual commerce, know that Pinterest also offers the opportunity to further accelerate the setup of your first account.

Adobe Commerce, Shopify, Woo and Salesforce Commerce Cloud are some e-commerce platforms that can be integrated to bring ready data, making this entire first access process optimized!

From there, your content marketing and advertising group will be free to much more easily create new sales campaigns and obtain conversion data through the Pinterest API.

Once you have your account created with a layout that communicates exactly what you want to convey with the brand, how about bringing even more trust and loyalty with the Pinterest verification badge? See how to get it in the next step!

3. Participate in the Verified Stores program to stand out

Who doesn’t like to buy from trustworthy websites and brands guaranteed by the biggest e-commerce platforms? After all, the number of fraud and identity theft attempts has grown in proportion to the technological advancement of the economy.

So, don’t hesitate to sign up for the Pinterest Verified Store Program to receive an exclusive badge, which will indicate to users that your store has passed a rigorous reliability check and is able to advertise and sell products safely.

This seal also allows verified brands to show their values ​​and the communities with which they identify, in addition to making their products appear prominently for those looking for new brands, resulting in a conversion rate of up to 17%!

4. Link your catalog to the Pinterest platform

If you have a ready-made catalog of all the products that you make available virtually, consider linking it to Pinterest to start selling a lot more on the platform.

When you link it to upload items for purchase, for example, Pinterest automatically populates your entire feed, allowing the brand to gain up to 5x more impressions than those that have not yet added a product.

5. Make themed and eye-catching panels

After linking your catalog and letting Pinterest organize your entire feed, invest in further optimizing the layout by creating panels that directly reach the interests of your target audience, while at the same time being aligned with your brand’s proposal.

Show your products in the foreground, but without abstract images or images that don’t make them stand out. Use strategic themes that, in addition to promoting sales, develop a close relationship with the public through images that encourage this style!

However, don’t get caught up in showing just catalog items. For the brand to gain more views and acquire relevance and authority, how about creating relevant content that further engages your audience? Understand better with the next tip!

6. Don’t just stick to products

Despite being the basis for your e-commerce, it is interesting that your Pinterest is not just full of products for sale. Stores that sell clothes, for example, become much more interesting when they offer outfit compositions with your own pieces, right?

Furthermore, people are always looking for personalized inspiration and news about what they are interested in. In these cases, why not invest in publishing content for users who have ideas that match your proposal?

If you work with decoration, post photos of incredible environments with your items. If you sell organic products, post consumption tips and delicious recipes, and so on! The important thing is to keep your inspiration boards organized, as they are what will make the difference in customer engagement, loyalty and prospecting !

7. Create folders that separate items by category

Now that your brand’s land on Pinterest is ready with an exclusive design, integrated stores, verification badge and a wide variety of products and content for users, how about optimizing your visitors’ experience even further?

You can do this by creating folders to organize all your items as if they were brand categories, you know? This way they will be published in an organized and intuitive way, after all, people who use Pinterest love to separate their pins according to their tastes, moments, type of products and more!

Oh, and it is exactly because the platform has this type of more organized audience that it is necessary to pay close attention to our next tip on how to sell on Pinterest. Continue reading and don’t miss a single point!

8. Create relevance and content pins frequently

This tip is one of those that significantly develops the impact of organic traffic on companies’ digital marketing. Just like Google, Pinterest is also a site that needs SEO strategies to gain recognition, authority and relevance.

Therefore, here is the time to focus on links, product descriptions, images, Alt text, strategic content, bolds, CTA’s, keywords, lexical and semantic fields to attract new users and stand out even more!

Put resources into adding depictions, titles and passages containing the most significant words regarding that matter. You can utilize something like 100 characters for the title and around 500 for depictions. Significantly, they are not long so as not to make perusing tiring and make the client lose interest.

Also, no “stuffing sausages”! Make texts short to make them easier to read on mobile devices and encourage the user to read entire passages. Oh, and don’t forget to choose a good image for the covers and save all this content in a relevant folder.

When you follow these parameters in the brand’s pins, it will reach qualified leads more easily and have much more possibilities to stand out in the feeds, as it will be able to achieve search results with a large number of content strategies!

9. Pay attention to the quality of images and videos

It may not seem that important, but did you know that the quality of images directly impacts the user experience and could be one of the reasons your brand has a high bounce rate?

On Pinterest it couldn’t be any different, since all its use is based on sharing and engaging photos and videos! Therefore, images with good definitions that take no time to load are essential for your account.

Choose vertical photos, in an aspect ratio of approximately 2:3, which is equivalent to 1,000 x 1,500 pixels. They must be up to 32 MB in size and in .jpeg or .png format. Other settings may cause the pin to be clipped or negatively affect its performance.

Recordings should be a limit of 2GB in size, with a perspective proportion of 1:1 (square), 2:3 or 9:16, and a length that differs from 4 seconds to 15 minutes.

Since we have everything close by, we should continue on toward the advertisements: how might you customize them to make clients who are truly intrigued by your items come to your page? Remain tuned, as we’ll respond to you in the following tip!

10. Personalize your Pinterest ads

Personalizing your ads on Pinterest can be more beneficial than you think. Studies from the platform itself, for example, indicate that advertisers who used both catalogs and ads had a 15% increase in ROI!

The content that performs best usually has good framing, high-resolution images, innovative graphic effects, stylized texts and lighting that generates visual impact. As the majority of your audience comes from mobile devices, adapt to vertical formats.

You can also choose to create strategic ads with AI and further boost your click-through rate and page views . This way, it is much more practical to insert strategic CTA’s or have designs that catch the public’s attention.

The important thing is that the more followers your account has and the more your ideas are pinned , the more your brand will appear on Pinterest and, consequently, the greater the chances of a proportional increase in sales.

However, there’s no point in spending investment and time on ads that you don’t know are paying off, right? Therefore, it is essential to carry out constant performance analyzes and measure all your results. Let’s understand better how this works?

11. Analyze and measure your results on the platform

We come to our last tip on how to make money with Pinterest: performance analysis and measuring results! Despite being the final step, this activity monitoring is essential to ensure that your brand is performing well on the platform.

The most important KPIs or performance indicators for an e-commerce are turnover, profitability indicator, conversion rate, cancellation rate, qualified leads, cost per acquisition, ROI and traffic source.

You can use analytical intelligence tools to understand your performance and add the Pinterest tag to understand how your paid and organic presence performs on the platform.

You also have the option of using Pinterest Business Analytics to filter information about your publications and your audience, in addition to exporting data in .csv format to analyze it in other intelligent software.

There are many tools to help the company monitor its account metrics. With these analyzes (which must be periodic), you can clearly visualize all the lagging points and, thus, have insights that will allow problems to be resolved in a timely manner.



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