How to do live marketing in 5 steps

In recent times, videos and content created practically in real time have been generating more and more interest. After all, in a market based on the urgency of consumption, there is no time to record and produce time-consuming materials — as this could imply a loss of timing for consuming the product.

In this scenario, live marketing has become a relevant trend. Using this new way of delivering your product to the customer, it is possible to create greater proximity between the brand and its audience and provide an interactive and differentiated experience.

Although this is still a recent strategy, it already guarantees great results. Therefore, continue reading this content and see how to do live marketing in 5 steps. Check it out below!

What is live marketing?

Today’s marketing goes far beyond creating an interesting promotional campaign with pretty photos. The internet has brought people closer and brought countless possibilities for interaction, so the relationship between brands and their customers is now much closer and more interactive.

On the other hand, this ease in generating actions and the large number of offers also made consumers much more attentive and demanding. Therefore, the idea is to provide experiences capable of attracting, engaging, generating value and building loyalty.

It’s not enough to just have a good product and create an interesting slogan. It is necessary to use creativity to get closer to people and create valuable connections.

In this sense, live marketing presents a concept aimed at creating engagement with the public, generating a feeling of belonging. Here, the consumer stops being a mere spectator and starts to have a central position, taking part in the actions.

Why are lives a trend?

Companies needed to reinvent themselves to keep customers interested and active, even without leaving home. This type of live marketing was — and is — a strategy focused on stimulating all the senses and emotions, generating identification and engagement.

Consumers have never been so close to companies and role models, and idols have never felt so real. More than that: lives allow real-time interaction, such as exchanging messages and even the possibility of people being invited to participate.

However, for live marketing to work, it is important that all interactions are planned in order to arouse emotions and interest in the target audience. This, through images or sounds, providing a dream that can be achieved with a single click.

The result of these strategies overflows the increase in sales and profits. It is worth noting that they also improve your brand’s positioning and strengthen your image.

Why make videos to promote products?

Videos are a trend in the digital environment. Both the most complete and short, dynamic and fun videos are the preferred content consumed by most people. Therefore, nowadays, they are a great way to promote your products. See why it’s worth betting on this format!


Videos have a much greater reach than images. This way, if they go viral, you will be able to take your product to an invaluable audience. Furthermore, depending on the content, people will debate about it, generating curiosity about your company.

Public trust

With videos, people can get a better idea of ​​your products or services. Likewise, they have the possibility to see them working, and it is even easier to give explanations and answer questions.


A successful company knows that it’s not just about selling, but about an entire concept behind your brand. For people to be interested in your products, they need to identify with the image and sensations associated with them.

Through videos, it is also possible to create proximity, as if you were talking to people in your closest circle of friends — which increases the bond with the company.

How to do live marketing in 5 steps?

After understanding what live marketing is and why this strategy can significantly increase your earnings, it’s time to find out how to execute it. To do this, we have listed some basic steps.

1. Find your audience

Discovering who your audience is and where they are is the first step to successfully executing live marketing. From there, research your behavior, preferences and pain points. This will make it easier to think about what your company can offer.

2. Do it live

In this second step, you will take your business to potential customers. This must be done live. So, choose the best vehicle based on previous research and invest in lives and interactive content in real time in a creative and innovative way.

3. Involve people

This third step must be carried out together with the previous one. It’s time to create material that encourages customers to interact with your company. It can be a social action, something technological or fun. The important thing is to generate engagement and a sense of belonging.

4. Hook the customer

In the fourth step, you will generate interest in trying the product or service. Here, the consumer will be more assertively directed to what you intend to sell.

If the previous steps are performed correctly, this is a natural path. Bet on giveaways or specific interactive actions to promote a certain product.

5. Generate desire

Generating desire means leaving the customer always wanting more. Using a brand goes beyond the simple relationship with a given product, but consists of the entire identity added to it. So let the consumer have a taste of what it’s like to be part of it.

Create a special promotion and be sure to collect data about your consumer experience so far. He will definitely buy it and leave planning the next acquisition.

Live marketing promises consistent results with minimal effort. It’s no wonder that video content is dominating the internet nowadays. Therefore, be sure to include this strategy in your marketing plan and get ahead of the competition.




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