Digital invoice: guide for entrepreneurs

With the increase in people in the virtual world, much of what was printed began to be digitized and made available online, such as magazines, newspapers, books, digital invoices, among many other materials. This practice has been used for some time, but in recent years it has begun to spread even more.

In addition to bringing more practicality to people, improving financial organization, it is also a sustainable practice, after all, the more people opt for this option, the less material will be printed and, consequently, it will help the environment.

In this sense, implementing the digital invoice option in your business can bring several benefits, both for you, the merchant, and for your customer. To better understand this topic, we have separated some topics to explain it to you. Check out!

What is a digital invoice?

The digital invoice is the option of receiving a document by email to make the payment, that is, it is a completely virtual process, without the need to print or receive this bill at your home .

This document also presents all the information that the user needs to know and have at hand, with data about the company, himself, price and full description of the service or product.

To attract consumers’ attention, most companies guarantee a discount or some other benefit to those who sign up, attracting more people to opt for digital invoicing.

Therefore, the person receives the invoice via registered email, in PDF format. To access it, you need a password, usually the number of an identification document.

What are the advantages of digital invoicing?

The advantages are for the company and the consumer, so when this option is chosen, both win. See how this option can make the entire process easier:

1. Ease of use for the company and consumer

With digital invoicing, both parties have it easier. For the company, it is just a matter of creating invoices and sending them by email, without the need to wrap them, send them to the post office, wait for the institution to deliver the bill to their client, and still have the chance that the person do not see the bill in time or have changed address and not been notified about it.

For the customer, they will already know the correct date on which the bill arrives in their email , so they will be able to plan correctly and will not need to pay attention to the letters received.

2. More financial organization

When receiving a digital bill, the probability of the consumer already paying increases significantly, meaning you will have bills paid more frequently and ahead of schedule, reducing defaults.

This will help a lot in the financial aspect of the place, after all, the better the cash flow,  the better for your institution’s accounts payable finances .

3. Reduction in paper consumption

The more I send by e-mail, the more paper consumption will be reduced. This helps the company save money, spending less. But the great positive factor of this topic is the help it causes to the environment, reducing the need for continuous production of this material.

And the disadvantages?

As it is a digital medium, customer information is completely secure via email. It may still have some disadvantages, but nothing that can’t be avoided. See what the main ones are and how to avoid them:

– Web attacks

In the digital environment, it is necessary to be careful with scams and cyber-attacks on your network. In other words, depending on the security of the network the person is on, they could have their space invaded and their data stolen, in addition to the possibility of having a virus installed on the machine.

To prevent this from happening, always talk to your consumer about being careful with what they access on the web and giving tips on how to protect themselves online. It may seem like something far beyond his scope, but for him, it can make a big difference!

– Risk of scam

Furthermore, there are scammers who pretend to be a company, sending emails to pay the invoice, however, when paying it, the amount falls into the criminals’ account.

To avoid this risk, make it very clear on another communication channel, such as your website, for example, which official email the invoice will arrive at and comment in case of doubts so that the consumer can contact your company via telephone. .

– Difficulty paying

Another difficulty that users may encounter is making payment, since most invoices need to scan the barcode or QR Code for payment, so whenever you send an invoice, make the numbering part of it easy to understand. Copy and paste, this will make life easier for those who pay.

How to include digital invoicing in my company?

To include this process, preparation is necessary. The first action is to comment on the next invoices sent that the company will now have this option, asking the person to register on the website to collect updated information and not run the risk of incorrect shipments.

Therefore, by offering the discount option for subscribing to this modality, you have the possibility of attracting more people and, thinking about finances, you avoid spending on the logistics of delivering printed invoices.

Therefore, making digital invoices available is a great choice, as it will help modernize processes, helping the accounts receivable area.





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