12 courses that enhance your CV and will transform your career

To stand out in the job market and be competitive, professionals need to stay up to date and constantly improve. Therefore, knowing about courses that enhance the CV helps to provide guidance in relation to professional possibilities that allows updating and makes the candidate stand out in the selection process.

There are many possibilities for those who want to improve themselves, from free online courses to MBA and postgraduate courses, which will bring professional advantages and expand career opportunities.

How do studies contribute to your career?

The more specialized, the more valued the professional is in the job market. With graduation, it is now possible to find positions with better pay and also carry out career planning that allows you to direct your efforts to get where you want.

But continuing to specialize expands opportunities and brings several advantages to the profession. Check out:

Increases competitiveness

With more knowledge acquired, the professional becomes more essential in the job market, and can compete for specialized positions and, therefore, with better benefits. By seeking new knowledge, he or she will gradually stand out from competitors and can use the skills acquired to apply for the most competitive vacancies.

Improves critical thinking

Expanding knowledge allows for deeper contact with new ideas and concepts, innovative teachings and thoughts that expand awareness and also critical thinking.

With this, this professional will expand his mind to new possibilities and this will be clear to companies that are interested in him. It will also broaden your worldview, which will allow you to think of new proposals that make the organization more inclusive, focusing on themes relevant to social development and the creation of products and actions that improve people’s lives.

Offers new skills

Even those who choose a course outside their area of ​​knowledge will find many opportunities to broaden their horizons and acquire new skills, even if they are not directly linked to the occupation or career, they can be related or even contribute to a new perspective in relation to to the work carried out.

Allows you to step out of your comfort zone

By studying new topics and delving deeper, and just by continuing to study, professionals leave their comfort zone. This is an important condition that will allow him to develop essential behavioral skills for modern organizations.

He becomes, for example, capable of sharing new ideas and proposing solutions to problems, in addition to being prepared to face new challenges and finding it easier to adapt to unexpected circumstances.

Improves productivity

By studying a particular topic in depth, he acquires more tools to think about different solutions, agility to solve problems and becomes proactive, improving his productivity.

In addition to making you stand out from the rest, it shows strong leadership characteristics and even allows you to inspire colleagues to be more productive too.

Why invest in free courses?

Knowing the importance of continuing to seek knowledge, one possibility to start new studies is by taking free courses. In addition to offering a certificate, they are available regardless of academic level. Thus, those who are pursuing a degree, technical education or still in high school can start studying a topic of interest to them.

It is also a way to discover new areas and see if you are interested in delving deeper into a certain topic. For those who want to change professions, the free course is ideal to start learning about the new area or to discover a possible career path.

Our institutions have a portfolio with more than 300 course options within different areas of knowledge. With online classes, students still have the opportunity to delve deeper into topics that are popular in the job market. Check out some opportunities:

  1. Digital marketing
  2. Socio-emotional Skills
  3. BI: Business Intelligence
  4. General Data Protection Law
  5. Career Management
  6. Leadership
  7. Coaching Tools and Techniques

Why invest in a postgraduate degree?

The postgraduate course follows a similar path, but goes beyond free courses, as it goes into technical content and allows an already graduated professional to become a specialist. This modality is exclusive to those who already have a bachelor’s degree, technologist or degree.

With specialized content, professionals can delve deeper into specific topics that will make them more valued. In the organization, it increases your chances of promotion, better remuneration and benefits, as it puts you in a position where you can perform tasks that your colleagues may not be able to perform.

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